I walk along the back roads most evenings and there's a mallow with pretty little yellow flowers growing along the verge: Abutilon pannosum.
It's a lanky plant with heart-shaped, serrated, grey-fuzzed leaves and single yellow flowers like buttercups.
This one is labelled Abutilon indicum, which is correct as far as I can tell. It's a prettier picture and you can see the flowers better:
Abutilon, especially indicum ("Indian"), is used in Ayurvedic and other alternative medicines. I've looked through a bunch of supposedly-scientific studies that claim it cures absolutely everything and don't disclose their methods or delve into how it works, but there's some evidence that Abutilon has anti-bacterial properties.
I was at a book fair last week and bought a copy of ‘Wild Plants of the Sultanate of Oman and Their Uses,’ by Yehye bin Saeed al-Fatisi (2013). It has this to say about the uses of Abutilon:
(My photo) |
It's a lanky plant with heart-shaped, serrated, grey-fuzzed leaves and single yellow flowers like buttercups.
This one is labelled Abutilon indicum, which is correct as far as I can tell. It's a prettier picture and you can see the flowers better:
(Photo: Wikimedia Commons) |
Abutilon, especially indicum ("Indian"), is used in Ayurvedic and other alternative medicines. I've looked through a bunch of supposedly-scientific studies that claim it cures absolutely everything and don't disclose their methods or delve into how it works, but there's some evidence that Abutilon has anti-bacterial properties.
I was at a book fair last week and bought a copy of ‘Wild Plants of the Sultanate of Oman and Their Uses,’ by Yehye bin Saeed al-Fatisi (2013). It has this to say about the uses of Abutilon:
Abutilon pannosum (التلمان, المنقاع)
يقطع هذا النبات إلى قطع صغيرة جدا و يخلط مع التمر و الذرة و الأسماك الصغيرة ثم يوضع في إناء يحتوي على ماء بكمية كافية و يطبخ و بعد ذلك يقدم إلى الماشية و الأبقار كوجبة صحية لها و هو يعمل على زيادة حليبها و جودته و يعمل على زيادة سمنتها.
تستعمل جذور على هيئة مسحوق معلق في الماء و بجرعة تتراوح ما بين 0-7 جم مرتين يوميا لعلاج الديسنطاريا. و تستعمل الأوراق على هيئة عجينة مع ماء مضافا إليها فلفل بلدي لعلاج السيلان حيث تؤخذ كميات
قليلة كل 10 دقائق.[1]
Which is not intended as medical advice. Very rough translation mine. 'Abutilon' is very conveniently rendered as أبو طيلون in more formal Arabic; al-Fatisi gives the common names above.(يحيى بن سعيد الفطيسي, النباتات البرية في سلطنة عُمان و فوائدها)This plant is cut into very small pieces and mixed with dates, corn, and small fish and then placed in a pot containing a sufficient quantity of water and cooked. It is then given to cattle as a healthy meal which increases the quantity and quality of their milk and fattens them.The roots are used in the form of a powder suspended in water at a dose of five to seven grams, taken daily, to treat dysentery. The leaves are used to treat gonorrhoea, in dough form with water to which is added bell pepper; small quantities are taken every ten minutes.
[1]عبد الرحمن محمد عقيل و آخرون. النباتات
السعودية المستعملة في الطب الشعبي. ص 4.
Muhammad ‘Aqeel et al., Plants of Saudi Arabia Used in Folk Medicine
(1987), pg. 4.