Saturday, 4 October 2014

Eid al Adha

I've had two groups of Eidiyya trick or treaters today, the first around seven thirty in the morning, a pair of girls in their Eid clothes and makeup, the second a group of four boys in red and green trimmed thobes with fake guns.  The first time I panicked because I had been sleeping and I thought they wanted candy and I didn't have any candy and then I thought the girl was saying hediyya and I didn't have any presents to give them.  The second time I didn't have enough baisa to give all of them.  I hope I don't get any more, because I'm all out of baisa.

I am that person in all those tumblr posts who is spending Eid alone, but I don't want to be pitied.  I had ice cream and coffee for breakfast after sleeping in.

Pictures of the 1907 Hajj (from the Guardian)

Mount Arafat
Paradise of al Ma'ala


  1. You're on tumblr, I am on pinterest;)

    Mmmm, eggs, fried tomatoe, hashbrowns, and eggs instead harees, and hot chocolate and and tea with shortbread instead of qhawa... I am enjoying my lone Eid thus far;)

  2. Happy Eid to you too, Anon. I'm guessing you're on your phone, mine's always testing my patience when I try to time Islamic phrases in English.

    I was ill and I didn't realise how much time had gone by without a post, it's amazing how it flies even when we're not having fun.
